Thursday, 13 November 2014

plats and buns

french plats, fish tell plat and buns

In the Elizabethan era buns and plat were very common. This was used as a protective style for mostly married women to keep hair out of the way. This was look was also used by women for when they wore any head accessory’s. such as begin or French hood.

this week we were learning how to french plat, to fish tail plat and a how to create a bun.

I found french plats very simple to do. this is because i have done it in the past. however i found my self doing a Russian plat which is a lot like a french plat but the plat sits on top in staid of the inside/bottom. but after noticing my mastic it became easy.  

one thing i need to improve on the french plat is the parting. i need to do a clean parting so as to give it that clean look. 

to create a french plat

  • Make sure that the hair is well detangled.
  • Take the section you wont to French plat.
  • Like a regular plat take three sections to start with. Have two section in one hand and the third in the other hand. Start as a regular plat by crossing them over each other a few times to make it secure.
  • Gradually begin to incorporate new hair piece by grabbing more hair before crossing over. Do this for all three hair pieces.
  • Continual down the hair and you will notice that there is less hair to grab the more you move down.
  • Once all the hair has been added in as a braid continual down as a normal plat and the using an elastic band secure the hair     


  1. hair brush 
  2. elastic bands  

 The fish tail plat was a lot more complicated to me. at fast i found it difficult to plat with just 2 pieces of hair in staid of three. i kept finding myself piking up a third hair pies. however i eventually got there in the end and now it has become one of my fevered plats to do.

one thing i need to work on now is the speed, but the more i practice the faster i will be.

To do a french plat all u need is to take the section of hair you wont to use.

  • Dived the it into two (brushed and detangled) 
  • take a small outer piece of one of the two sections of your hair. Cross the small piece over and add it to the inside of the other section. This piece you have crossed will now become a part of the other section.
  • Next make the exact same cross but this time you will use the other section of hair take a small piece from the outer part of the section and cross it over to the inside of the opposite section.
  • Continue crossing small outer pieces over to the inside of the opposing section. The smaller the pieces you cross, the better the braid will end up.
  • Once you've reached the end of the braid, tie it off with an elastic. 


  1. hair brush 
  2. elastic bands 

we also got to learn how to create a bun. at fast this was a little complicated for me but i got there eventually.

To create a bun
  • Bringing all the hair up to a ponytail. Secure well using a good quality hair band.
  • Making sure that the hair is well deterged. Section the hair hanging of the end of the ponytail in to smaller section.
  • Taking each section pin it down backward toward the hair band, starting from ether corners of the hair (front, back, side 1 or side 2) when you pin one down then do the same to the posit side till all the hair has been pinned down to form a circular shape. You can use hair spry to stop any flyaway if preferred
equipment used  
  1. hair brush 
  2. elastic band or hair bond
  3. hair pins 

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